March 27, 2004

Road rules

Hanoi, Vietnam

When crossing the street you have to look in all directions, all the time. I know that's impossible, but do it anyway.

Motos will travel by any route possible to get to their destination. Usually this means travelling with the main flow of traffic but sometimes it's quicker to travel against the traffic, on the wrong side of the road or down a one way street, weaving around the on-coming vehicles. Traffic lights are regarded not as an instruction, but advice. A red light means "be a little more careful, there will be extra traffic coming in from the side as you cross the intersection".

And the footpath, when not just broken concrete half covering a deep drain, is no refuge. It's reserved strictly for shop merchandise and parking motos.

Best of all is the horn. It's sort of a get-out-of-jail-free card. As long as you've beeped your horn you can do what you like. It's up to those in front to get out of your way. Really!

Posted by David at March 27, 2004 10:12 PM